For universities
The curriculum developed during the project contains the following 6 modules:
Module 1 – Legislative background: EU directives (EPBD, RES, EED), definition of a near-zero energy building, strategies and action plans, energy statistics
Test your knowledge on Module 1 (Legislative background): complete the self-assessment test!
Module 2 – Structural elements of nearly zero energy buildings: design strategies, passive use of solar energy, high efficiency thermal insulation, doors and windows, shading technology
Test your knowledge on Module 2 (Structural elements): complete the self-assessment test!
Module 3 – Energy efficient technical building systems: energy efficient heat production, smart pumps, waste heat recovery in buildings
Test your knowledge on Module 3 (Energy efficient technical building systems): complete the self-assessment test!
Module 4 – Utilization of renewable energies in buildings: thermal and photovoltaic utilization of solar energy, use of biomass in buildings, heat pumps
Watch our video lecture on solar air heating!
Test your knowledge on Module 4 (renewable energy in buildings): complete the self-assessment test!
Module 5 – Smart Buildings: smart meters, smart control and automation, demand side management, smart cities, smart grids
Test your knowledge on Module 5 (Smart buildings): complete the self-assessment test!
Module 6 – Environmental and economic impact assessment: sustainability, global cost analysis / life cycle analysis, sustainability indicators, new construction and renovation, additional aspects (e.g. comfort, fire protection), environmental building certification schemes
Test your knowledge on Module 6 (Environmental and economic impact assessment): complete the self-assessment test!
Module 7 – Building energy simulation
Test your knowledge on Module 7 (Building energy simulation): complete the self-assessment test!